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Welcome to year 3. The year team consists of Mrs Lamb-Crawley, Miss Moran and Miss Tappenden. Our TAs are Mrs Gobbi, Mrs Urquhart and Mrs Laferla. We are thrilled that we get to spend the next year making wonderful, fun and exciting memories with you!

Homework will go home on Fridays and is to be completed and back at school the following Wednesday.

Reading Records need to be written in by children and/or adults at least 3 times a week. However, reading should be ideally happening every day.

PE Days

We will now be wearing PE kits on our PE days rather than keeping kits in school.

3M – Wednesday & Friday

3LC  - Tuesday & Friday

3T - Monday & Friday

As the weather gets warmer, it is important that the children have a bottle of water with them as well as a sunhat if needed. Also, in preparation for Year 4, we encourage you to continue to read with your child as well as practising handwriting and times tables where possible.

Upcoming Trips/workshops

We are very excited to announce that we will be hosting a Lego Coding workshop on Tuesday 16th July. The Year 3 children have loved Computing this year and, in particular, the Minecraft Coding Club run by Mr Robbins. The specialists we have invited to come in will work with the children to build their skills and develop their understanding of coding further.


Our English focus this term is using dialogue in writing to help move a story forward. We will then be moving on to formal writing which includes formal letters of complaints. The skills that we will be covering includes: conjunctions, formal tone, inverted commas and a range of persuasive techniques.


Maths this term will be covering fractions (adding, subtracting and partitioning), money (understanding,  adding and subtracting) and time. Children will be reasoning, expanding their answers and finding multiple answers to questions.

History & Geography

Our history topic this half term is Scavengers and Settlers. They will explore how early humans adapted and developed new skills in order to survive, as well as exploring the different settlements they created long ago. The children will also be finding out about our ancestors, who they were and what they did during three key eras: the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.

Learning Links


Children can complete 2Dos and lots of fun learning activities!



Children can access learning activities.



Wonde is a dashboard to the children's online learning.



Children can practise their times tables, customise their character and become a rock legend.

BBC Bitesize


Year 3 Curricular Targets

The Statutory requirements for each year group and their specific targets can be found by clicking on the links below:



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